Digital Payment Acceptance
Nexi Express

We know payments in grocery

A retail solution with self-checkout that minimises queues and unhappy customers.

Reliable, fast and seamless payment solutions

Easy and efficient self‑checkoutCustomers crave swift, dependable service, and Nexi delivers cutting-edge solutions. With Nexi's fast and reliable products, you can boost your store's efficiency, elevate customer satisfaction, and watch your profits soar.

Increased loyalty and customer retentionCustomers can choose their payment and checkout options, streamlining their store visits. This customer empowerment boosts customer loyalty and sets you apart from competitors. Our fast and reliable solutions address your challenges, ensuring repeat business and stronger customer bonds.

Full omnichannel experienceNexi ensures a seamless shopping experience, whether online or in-store, enhancing customer interactions and gathering valuable data on preferences for personalised offers. With our omnichannel capabilities, your grocery stores will excel in the market. Use Nexi's expertise and data-driven guidance to make informed decisions tailored to your business needs. Gain insights into consumer behaviour and stay ahead of grocery trends with Nexi's comprehensive solutions.

Increase your sales by offering the payment methods your customers prefer

We offer a seamless customer experience

Nexi Financial Statements 2019
In-store payments

Our innovative payment terminals ensure seamless and secure checkout. Contactless options, mobile integration, and self-service kiosks streamline payments, allowing you to focus on your customers.

Nexi Financial Statements 2018

Experience effortless sales with Nexi SoftPOS, transforming your phone into a POS terminal. Capture every sales opportunity for your on-the-go customers with ease. Enjoy flexible payment solutions for a personalised customer experience.

Nexi Financial Statements 2019

Boost sales with robust e-commerce platforms that feature mobile optimisation, user-friendly navigation, and secure payment gateways.


Enable streamlined shopping across channels with omnichannel solutions integrating in-store, online platforms, and mobile apps. Utilise click-and-collect, real-time inventory, and unified customer profiles for personalised experiences.

Value-added services

Enhance customer experience with personalised services and data analytics insights. Stand out by offering Dynamic Currency Conversion and diverse payment options.


By choosing Nexi, you get the following benefits

Easy, fast, and reliable integration

Our integrated ECR solution ensures a smooth payment experience at the till, and our e-commerce gateway opens up a wide array of possibilities that support our strong omnichannel solution.

Enhanced self-service and Scan&Pay

Our Scan&Pay solution enables consumers to take control of their shopping experience and the shop to better manage queues, increase customer satisfaction and boost shop performance.

Increased loyalty and customer retention

Our integrated payments ecosystem recognises your customers across platforms and empowers you to create bespoke loyalty programs. 

Some of our customers

Customer stories

Conad Dao is the first cashier-less grocery store in Italy, thanks to Nexi's innovative digital payment infrastructure

“The shopping experience is completely different [..] and when it is time to exit, the full integration with different payment systems ensure an absolutely seamless experience without having to stop at checkouts. We needed a partner that could guarantee constant collaboration and the possibility to develop the project daily basis. The payment system is essential because it must be open, flu, fully integrated, and it has to be technological but almost invisible. Nexi’s expertise was a guarantee for us“ 

Alessandro Penasa, Managing Director - Conad DAO.

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