Graduate program 2023

ESG Rating

ESG ratings are intended to provide a summary assessment of the Group's sustainability performance. Among the various ESG ratings, Nexi Group responds to the CSA questionnaire from S&P Global and CDP questionnaire. In both assessments, Nexi's ratings have improved significantly in recent years, reflecting the Group's strengthened sustainability commitment.

The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment 2022 awarded Nexi S.p.A. a 6-point increase, from 68 in 2021 to 74 (out of 100) this year and shows an improvement in the company's rating in all three ESG dimensions. 

The most significant improvement is represented by the 'environmental' score, confirmed in the also rating obtained by the Group in the CDP rating for 2022.
In the third year of participation, Nexi S.p.A. maintained the 'A-' rating already obtained in 2021 from a 'C' rating in 2020. This improvement in environment is driven by several initiatives launched since 2020, including the approval of the net zero Science Based Targets and the ISO 14001 environmental certification of Nexi Payments.

Nexi Group has also obtained positive results in the Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating, that measure a company's exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks. Nexi “Exposure” area of the assessment, that refers to the extent to which a company is exposed to different material ESG issues, taking into consideration subindustry and company-specific factors such as its business model, is “Low”; while “Management” area, that refers to how well a company is managing its relevant ESG issues, is “Strong”.

Nexi Group is also part of the Italian stock exchange's MIB ESG rating.