Remote sales payments acceptance solutions

Remote sales payment acceptance solutions

Remote Commerce "Pay-by-link"

With Pay-by-Link, Merchants transform their POS into a tool for remote collection even when the customer is not physically present.
Pay-by-Link allows Merchants to create and send customers a secure link to collect digital payments remotely by simply indicating the amount to be paid, the name of the customer and the description of the purchase.

The link to collect payments can be sent to customers via email, SMS and messaging apps (such as WhatsApp and Telegram).

Online Commerce “Digital Catalogue/Digital Shop”

Our solution allows Merchants to create a digital showcase to sell and receive payments online and on Social channels, without having an e-commerce site.

By activating the digital showcase solution, Merchants can manage the acceptance of digital payments for their activities of:

  • Online sales by sharing their showcase on social media and messaging channels (SMS, WhatsApp)
  • Delivery of goods at home or collection at the point of sale
  • Booking of services and appointments directly from the social network pages.

Thanks to our ready-to-use templates, Merchants can easily create and manage their own product catalogue and delivery and appointment booking activities directly online.