We are pleased to announce that our Non-Financial Statement (NFS) 2023 has been published.
The NFS provides an overview of our commitment to environmental, social and governance progress, commitments and targets, also in line with key international reporting standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the European Union's Taxonomy Framework.
Below are some of the main commitments and progresses:

EnvironmentReduce our environmental impact along the entire value chain with climate and circularity actions.
Our commitment to being NetZero by 2040 and our interim CO2e reduction targets in 2030 are grounded in the science, aligned to the best 1.5C scenario according to the Paris Agreement, as approved by the Science Base Target initiative.
Our 2023 progresses:
- 55% Renewable use in our operations vs 51,7% FY21 across the Group (+3,3%)
- Data Centres energy efficiency: We have reduced 12 DCs since 2021 (equivalent to 8% sqm closed) across the group, generating carbon reduction benefits
- 11% of Cards with oceanic/recycled plastic are produced compared to the total number of cards in licensing in Italy. Our target is to achieve 50% in 2025.
- Carbon Calculator for consumer awareness: the solution, embedded in our Nexi Pay App (more than 1 million users), that allows our customers to measure the carbon foodprint of the purchases made with their credit and debit cards and learn how to reduce it.

SocialEmpower people, businesses, public administrations, and communities to achieve their full potential with digital payments.
We support the digitization of SMEs, PAs, & Citizens through our digital payment propositions and literacy.
Our 2023 progresses:
- In 2023, we could increase +139k contracts for digital propositions (e.g., eCom, SmartPOS, Easy) to SMEs and microbusinesses.
- In Italy, where we bring our solutions to public administrations, we could also make +1Mil citizens enabled by public transport ticketing and more than 16% payment transactions for public services, generating simplicity, speed, transparency and better services to people.
- Last year in Poland we launched the eCom donation feature in partnership with the company Donateo who is specialized in fintech for donations. Our solution enables fundraising at checkout, making digital payments purposeful in support of non-profit programs.
- Internally at Nexi Group, we are committed to creating a culture that promotes people’s diversity, equity, and inclusion. In 2023, we boosted our focus and actions on DEI, achieving a 29.5% presence of women in managerial positions with +1.5% compared to 2022 year.
- The new PayTech University platform was launched to offer wider training and learning opportunities, with eLearning content to increase as the next step.

Governance, Trust and Security
We are on our journey to adopt best-in class governance, policies and disclosing practices. Very importantly, we want to secure guaranteed perfect security and service continuity and to promote customer centricity as a business foundation, as we clearly recognize that our business shall generate only positive impacts, avoiding any potential societal risk side.
Again, looking at our achievements in 2023:
- We succeeded in securing 99,99% of guaranteed service continuity and achieved 9 Security-related certifications (e.g. ISO27001/017/018) across the Group in all relevant sites.
- In line with our customer centricity approach as business foundation, we extended the NPS to all the relevant geographies in the Group.
We are fully committed on our ESG strategy 2023-25, as what sets us apart is our focus on leveraging technology to address sustainability challenges for people and the planet.
We know that companies with initiatives for sustainability have a vision, a mindset and and an approach to ESG that can really make the difference for their employees and all external stakeholders.