Vienna, May 31st 2022 - June 1st 2022

EBADay 2022

Bring digital payments to the forefront

Nexi Group joins EBAday, the event organized by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra Research in Vienna from May 31st to June 1st  2022

We are present with a booth in the exhibition area.

Stay tuned and follow #EBAday update on Group's social profiles on LinkedIn and Twitter and @ebaday on Twitter and @finextra on LinkedIn! 



Finextra TV Interview

Eugenio Tornaghi, Head of International Markets, Nexi

What European PayTech holds for the digital payments space

Finextra TV Interview

Jean-Philippe Joliveau, Senior Commercial Development Manager, Nexi

Is Request-to-Pay the “missing piece of the puzzle” in the instant payment value chain?

Nexi speeches

We participate in two round tables:

Request to pay is a service released by EBA Clearing in June 2021, with Nexi’s support for its development. For a merchant, the association of a Request to pay to approve an instant payment is very similar to a direct debit, with the important difference that the payment may not be repudiated and, above all, it is instant. The advantages are clear in a business-to-consumer context but it can also open up many opportunities when used in a business-to-business context, in particular by integrating the feature in the ERP system of a corporate. This way, the company can associate an invoice the creation of a Request to pay. We see it as powerful tool to streamline the processes of corporates.