CBI Globe - Active Functionality

Active functionality

TPP Enabler

The core of the solution, capable of managing the specificities of each Gateway/ASPSP to optimize the workflow of AIS/PIS calls, harmonizing all the SCA methods.

It allows to manage all AIS (both unattended and attended calls) and PIS use cases.

The most relevant features are as follows:

  • The SCA Manager, that controls the integration with the SCA of the ASPSP, harmonizing the workflows associated with the different types of SCA.
  • The payments reasons harmonizer, that manages the transactions of a predefined set of banks by returning the payment reasons based on a reference classification.

Key Management System

The Key Management System (KMS) manages the lifecycle of third-party eIDAS certificates.

It manages the registration and association of eIDAS QWAC and QSeal certificates, with validity verification, both in terms of expiration date and in terms of presence in the CRLs (Certificate Revocation List) of the issuing QTSP (Qualified Trusted Service Provider).

Monitoring & Reporting

The Monitoring & Reporting application enables real-time control of transactions and access to periodic reports.

Supporting services and infrastructures

Maintenance and Update (Gateway /ASPSP)

  • Management and continuous updating of End Points and related specifications
  • Constant maintenance and updating of the solution, also due to regulatory updates

Integration with GTW/ASPSP

  • Integration and immediate access to all Italian and foreign gateways
  • Fast integration with other international gateways/ASPSPs (Berlin Group and non-Berlin Group)
  • Connection via REST/Web Service

Nexi Infrastructure

  • Nexi private cloud-native infrastructure with high horizontal and vertical scalability and volume-dependent auto scaling features


  • Solution capable of guaranteeing continuous monitoring of cyber threats
  • Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery capable of guaranteeing an active - active infrastructure
  • Incident management in compliance with EBA regulations


  • Third-party and developer support and guaranteed 24/7 coverage for "critical" anomalies

Other supporting services

CBI, together with its partner Nexi, offers several Business Modules based on strong capabilities and consolidated assets.

Customized solutions may be provided at the request of the third party in different areas:

  • Advanced analytics
  • Advanced anti-fraud solutions
  • Conversion services
  • Front-end white label


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