This special week is dedicated to sustainability with two important dates Monday, June 5th, World Environment Day and Thursday, June 8th World Oceans Day.
As a Group, we have committed to becoming Net Zero by 2040. We are working towards reaching this commitment by updating long and short-term targets that will be validated by the Science Based Target Initiative later this year. The targets will then be implemented at the local level across the Group. This is a journey, but we can already be proud of the following achievements and initiatives:
- As Nexi Group, we have been carbon neutral since 2021 by purchasing carbon credits and will continue to do so for the 2022 carbon footprint.
- as part of our ESG Strategy, we have committed to source renewable energy 100%, which we have already achieved across the Italian perimeter.
Zooming in on some of the initiatives linked to Sustainability we have developed for our clients:
We are now issuing cards using plastic recovered from the ocean to reduce emissions, reuse waste materials and fight environmental pollution to produce payment cards. One Italian leading bank is already active on the project, and we have seen strong positive interest from the market with multiple ongoing dialogues. At this stage, we have issued more than 500,000 recycled cards!
To stimulate sustainable consumer behaviour, we had in November 2022 launched the carbon calculator for more than 1 million customers with Mastercard debit and credit cards. The aim of the new sustainability-oriented card-related service is to raise awareness of a more environmentally conscious approach to consumption by offering people the opportunity to calculate the carbon footprint monthly of all their purchases paid for with cards. If you want to learn more and map your own consumption, click here.
Nets Climate Action Service is a carbon offsetting solution designed to provide cardholders with climate-related information on their consumption and enable them and their issuers to engage with the climate impact of their personal consumption proactively.
If you’re curious to learn more about all our results within sustainability and ESG over the past twelve months, the Non-Financial Statement 2022 is now live on our website. The report describes Nexi in many non-financial data, our governance structure and business ethics, as well as summarising our local and regional presence, our gender composition, carbon footprint and much more.
As we come together across Europe to celebrate Environmental Week, we have local activities, such as waste-picking, beach cleanings and more, taking place in more than 18 sites in 12 countries.